Is fear leading your life? Would you rather be free?

Sad woman walking with fear, not showing her face, dark green hoodie up with red hair curls flowing out

When we have so many responsibilities: carer, mother, partner, cleaner, nurse, employee, manager….

It is so easy to feel like something else is driving our lives. There is no time to fully dedicate ourselves to one particular thing, we go from one appointment to the next, work, home, children….

And then doubts creep in, worries around the next deadline, about the children’s future about our caring responsibilities for an elderly parent….

And Slowly fear starts driving everything.

What if…?

What ifs… become the drivers in all decisions. And THIS is what makes us unhappy, we stop being truly connected to our decisions and what makes us happy and start fouscing on the safe paths.

This is not living.

We are merely excisiting when we let fear drive us everywhere. We end of hating our job, not being the mother, partner, friend we would like to be. We start a cycle of self-fulfilling prophecies leading us to feel like everyone else is lucky BUT us, that we are the only one doing everything.

How can I become happy again?

We need to reconnect to ourselves! Be true to who we are!

the best way to do this is to start being creative in our own lives, read my blog on how you can allow creativity to bring in happiness.

Elisabeth gilbert also has an amazing letter to fear that highlights so well how we can be scared and sitll go on to live a great happy life.

Watch the video below!

Be FREE from your fears.

Stop allowing your fear to drive your life.

Change your life one step at a time!


Elisabeth gilbert:

Julia Cameron:

  • her book The Artist’s Way
books covers The Artist's way and big Magic

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