Becoming More YOU – The 3 Pillars of Connection

How can you live with purpose, balance & harmony?

woman happy with her life

Throughout our life many of us try to find happiness: the job that will give us purpose, the partner that will make us loved, the hobbby or volunteering that will make us fullfilled, the friends that will make everything fun and give us the support we need, the children ………

An endless list that often leaves us feelings overwhelmed and burn out.

Even when we feel ok, it is easy to feel like you are not sure exactly who you are anymore, since having the children, since moving…. It is very common and you are not alone.

So how can you find balance and Harmony?

How can you find joy again in your life?

After reading a lot fo self development books and attending many webinars, I finally attended a weekend  with Joanna Martin from One of many. It helped me to reconnect with myself. 

Since then I have worked with a few coaches that have helped mein different areas of my life: nutrition, business and family life.

It has helped me to reconnect with myself, create the right network around me and reconnect with what more meant for me.

I sitll have times of overwhlem, but I now have tools to help me see what I need to replenish my energy and feel better.

I also have a better network so I don’t have to do it all by myself.

Peggy Cheyo coaching looking out the window

The three pillars of Connection towards more harmony?

picture showing a whilte mother with her daughter smiling
  1. Connect with yourself

Connect to your mind, emotions, body. Understanding yourself more and taking responsibility tto make better choices for yourself.

2. Connect with others

Understand who you need in your support network,  who can help you to be more YOU.

3. Connect with your Source

What helps you to connect to what is bigger than you? God, Allah, Nature, the universe… 

Need more support to make bigger changes?

I am here for you if you want more help. With one to one coaching I can help you to create the life you want. Understand your energies with a unique powertype profile (included) and examine your values, your needs and start living the life you want by implementing changes in your three pillars.

What is Life Coaching?

Coaching is a conversation. I am here to hold the space so you can be seen and heard and through gentle questionning and personalised tools we will navigate together how to help you find the joy you had lost. Create more space for the things you love.

And bring harmony and balance where you need it most.

Connecting with yourself, others and more.

What some of my clients say:

I would recommend stepping through this program to anyone feeling they have lost their way in life. A lot is down to what you put in, so make sure you come with an open mind and give the tools a good go. However I am certain that the outcome is also down to Peggy’s skilled approach in listening and open questioning. So jump right in ! – Martine

After multiple lockdowns and after I went back to work after maternity leave, I was struggling with my sense of self. My role has a mum had taken over and I was struggling to make my partner, friend, and coworker roles fit into my new life. 
Peggy really helped me repriorities what is important to me and what to focus my time and energy on to make space for what I valued most. Building my needs creed and the visualisations were very powerful and help me uncover my emotions and my priorities. 
I would really recommend to go through this process especially if you want changes in your life as you feel stuck in a rut, but do not know where to start. – Nolwenn
mother and son smiling and hugging each other

Life Coaching for more confidence, to discover more read here.

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