How to Date Yourself and Why It Will Change Your Life.

Why would you want to date yourself?

You might be thinking, this is stupid, I already know myself and what I need is a partner, a friend, time off with nobody… Are you sure?

a woman full of colours walking through a park as she is on a date with herself


By always seeking, searching, or running away from it all we don’t give ourselves time and space to connect with ourselves truly. Even more importantly, we don’t give ourselves the chance to allow our creative self to create happiness and new encounters in our lives.

If you are wondering why I am talking about creativity, read my previous blog here.

How can you date yourself?

If you feel overwhelmed by the simple idea of making time for yourself or how to make it work, just start by finding one hour in your calendar and go to a nice café to have a drink or choose one of the top 10 ideas below.

That’s it.

Don’t make it complicated.

It is a playdate with YOU, nothing more. 1 hour for you with you.

Book a playdate with YOU now!

women with curly brown hair, Peggy cheyo, life coach with a green cup of tea sitting on a orange bench

Top 10 list of creative ideas for a play date with yourself

  1. Open a map or an app and point to a place. Then go and visit that village or walk in that wood.
  2. Pick a book and find a bench in a park
  3. Find a new café and do some people watching, or day dreaming
  4. Go in a fancy clothes shop and try extravagant clothes
  5. Book an appointment at a make up counter in a department store
  6. Try a class, learn something new
  7. Go see a random movie in the middle of the day
  8. Take a bus to another village or a different part of your town
  9. Buy yourself a fancy bath soak and have a bath
  10. Find an event on Facebook or Eventbrite to try something new

You will see that when you allow yourself the time and space to be with YOU regularly, magic will start happening: synchronicities, new found interest, reconnection…

Allow the magic to happen.

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We often put too much pressure on what we want to achieve or do, with this just allowing yourself 1hr a week to do something for you will make a huge difference in your life. I have had a client who met someone who ended up helping them in their career by going to a new café she had never visited before.

I have reconnected with a dance class I had stopped going to which then led me to sign up to a 3 year long training that is taking me one weekend a month to London for some embodiment dancing.

If you would have told me 3 years ago that I would be away from my family every month for a weekend, I would have laughed. I was on the verge of burnout, my youngest had huge anxiety around sleeping and separation. Getting one hour to myself seemed not feasible and yet I tried….and here I am. 2 years on and so much happier and fulfilled!

So go on, book a playdate with you.

You will see that your family and people around you will benefit from it as you come back a little more connected, hopeful, happier. You have all the power you need within yourself, you just need a chance to remember YOU.

Becoming more YOU.

Join my FREE community if you want more ideas.

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And for little ideas on bringing creativity in your daily life, with your children, with your partner, check this previous blog.

Dare to date yourself, you are worth it!

Yep I know it has a bit of a L’Oréal slogan feel. But it is so true.

Feeling too overwhelmed?

If you are feeling too overwhelmed with where to start. If it feels impossible to even attempt in your life right now? Book a FREE call with me, I will help you cut through the noise and start making YOU a priority and start with how to make it happen in YOUR life.

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